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Distributing Taglinator

Taglinator is a Shareware progam, so the evaluation copy of Taglinator can be freely distributed...in fact this is encouraged! For details please see Taglinator's Distribution License, included in the downloadable ZIP file. Under the Shareware concept, users all over the world can try out the software before purchasing it, and in return the author enjoys a much wider distribution. The author still owns the copyright to the software, but allows and encourages users to give the original evaluation version of the software to others. Users who wish to continue using Taglinator after their evaluation period must register the software.

Therefore if you know anyone who might be interested in Taglinator please pass them a copy of the file, or better yet point them towards our web site. Feel free to upload Taglinator to your favorite BBSs or web sites too!

How to Register

If you like Taglinator (and we hope you do!) please use our online order form to register. We even offer a Lifetime Registration option, providing free upgrades forever!


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Trooper, the SRT Enterprises logo, "The User-Friendly Troop Information Manager for Windows", Taglinator, QuickPad, GrabPad, and EdIt! are trademarks of SRT Enterprises

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