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Sample RTTTL-format ringtone (Imperial theme from Star Wars):
Imperial:d=4, o=5, b=100:e, e, e, 8c, 16p, 16g, e, 8c, 16p, 16g, e, p, b, b, b, 8c6, 16p, 16g, d#, 8c, 16p, 16g, e, 8p
<ringing-tones-text-transfer-language> := <name> <sep> [<defaults>] <sep> <note-command>+
<name> := <char>+ ; maximum name length 10 characters
<sep> := ":"
<defaults> := <def-note-duration> | <def-note-scale> | <def-beats>
<def-note-duration> := "d=" <duration>
<def-note-scale> := "o=" <scale>
<def-beats> := "b=" <beats-per-minute>
<beats-per-minute> := 25,28,...,900 ; decimal value
; If not specified, defaults are ; ; 4 = duration ; 6 = scale ; 63 = beats-per-minute
<note-command> := [<duration>] <note> [<scale>] [<special-duration>] <delimiter>
<duration> := "1" | ; Full 1/1 note "2" | ; 1/2 note "4" | ; 1/4 note "8" | ; 1/8 note "16" | ; 1/16 note "32" | ; 1/32 note <note> := "P" | ; pause "C" | "C#" | "D" | "D#" | "E" | "F" | "F#" | "G" | "G#" | "A" | "A#" | "H"
<scale> := "5" | ; Note A is 440Hz "6" | ; Note A is 880Hz "7" | ; Note A is 1.76 kHz "8" ; Note A is 3.52 kHz
<special-duration> := "." ; Dotted note
<delimiter> := ","
; End of specificationHome :: Taglinator :: EdIt! :: Trooper :: Search
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