EdIt! Features
EdIt!'s features include the following. Existing users will want to see what's
new in this version.
- Potentially save hours updating files across LANs
- Microsoft and LANtastic network support (NET USE, LNET, LNET_MGR)
- Open multiple files and groups of files, with support for wildcards
- Windowed interface (written in Borland's Turbo Vision)
- Mouse support
- Small size -- 135k total! (approx. 1/3 that of DOS's EDIT & QBASIC combination,
1/4 the size of Boxer 5.0, and 1/10 the size of VED 3.31!)
- Fast; written in Turbo Pascal and assembler, not BASIC
- Does not require QBASIC.EXE to run, as does DOS's EDIT
- Wordwrap
- Paragraph and document reformatting
- Variable right margin & tab stop settings
- Autoindent mode
- Save desktop (including all open files)
- Shell to DOS using as little as 240 bytes of memory
- 28- and 43/50-line video mode support
- Convert from and to Unix and Macintosh text formats
- Text can be centered
- Ability to jump to specific line numbers and "preset" locations
in documents
- Undo
- Search & replace
- Clipboard (cut, copy and paste)
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