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EdIt! Distribution License

You are hereby granted a limited license to freely distribute the evaluation version of EdIt!, subject to the following terms and conditions. Any other use,
distribution or representation of EdIt! is expressly forbidden without the express written consent of the author.

  1. EdIt!, its documentation, and accompanying files may not be altered under any circumstances, and must be distributed as a complete unit. Please contact the author for information on obtaining a complete copy of the latest version for evaluation and distribution if yours is incomplete or has been modified.
  2. Under no circumstances must the purchaser or receiver of the software be given the impression that he/she is buying or receiving a license to use the software itself, but merely an evaluation copy.
  3. Any disputes concerning this software shall be resolved subject to the applicable laws of the United States of America and the State of Illinois.
  4. Failure to abide by these provisions constitutes violation of U.S. federal copyright laws, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible.

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